Creative nature, / structured

I have 20+ years of experience professionally developing web applications that were used around the world.

I was trained as a generalist-developer (Systems Analyst) and spent 10-15 years directly involved in coding applications before moving into leading dev teams.

But I missed hands-on work! I have now refocused and updated my tech skills and I'm back to my first love.

I learned many lessons in this circular journey: I know how to have the right conversation with you.

Solid interpersonal skills, high multi-cultural awareness, and 10+ years of practice in IT Business Analysis guarantee I will zoom in on what you need.

We will aim for the right goal. The most value for the commitment your are prepared to make today.

Too much structure will sink your ship, but ideas & good intentions alone can get you lost at sea!

3 years as SCRUM Product Owner taught me what the right balance feels like. You'll always know where we are today, and where we're going.

We'll put in place a minimal structure, but one that works and will take us there.

Take a look at a recent website I made

Aguara pope is a Uruguayan NGO working in the conservation of marine mammals and wetlands. I built this multi-page website for them using Node.js + Express and Bootstrap 5. The website links to their existing Google Sheets to provide basic data analysis (big numbers, charts) and some dynamic content such as projects, sponsors, allied NGOs, and inspirational quotes.

Visit their live site!
Aguara pope website

Get in touch!

LinkedIn Contact me via LinkedIn *

I'm based in Vancouver, BC (Canada)
PST / UTC/GMT -8 hours.

I want to hear about your project. Let's have a chat and I'll put together a proposal for you.

The first hour of our chat is on me!

* 🛠️ We are improving our contact form to better control spam. In the meantime please contact me via LinkedIn. Thanks!